Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cigarette Advertising BANNED!

France has a HUGE population of smokers, but is there habit in public may be short lived. French remain a nation of dedicated smokers, and according to the latest government figures 32.2% of all 26 to 75 year olds are regular smokers. The figures rise to 36.7% in the 12 to 25 age group. On Feburary 1, 2007 the French Governement announced that a smoking will be banned in public places including all schools, train stations, airports, shops, offices and other public buildings, but not streets, private homes or hotel rooms. There was an adjustment period that ended over a year ago in January 2008 for cafes, restaurants and discos. The law seems to come out of a need for public health. According to a recent report, 66,000 people die from smoking-related illnesses each year in France and another 2,500 and 5,800 people die as a result from passive smoking. It is said that more than 13 deaths a day caused by smoking is unacceptable.

Paris, France is currently "fumed" ove a Movie poster featuring well known actress Audrey Tautou. The upcoming movie Coco Avant Chanel is advertised with a poster of the main actress, Audrey, holding a lit cigarette. In accordance with this French cigarette ban and move towards good health, the poster has been banned by Paris' bus and train advertising giant Metrobus. The depiction of smoking in advertising is illegial because it is deemed unhealthy and inappropriate. Coco herself is famous for being a 50, yes 50, cigarette per day girl. The advertisers responsible for the image have swapped it out for a more lung-friendly shot.

So, my question is, why hasn't the United States made a law about smoking? Should we not be moving towards a more healthy enviroment and population. America's children are being constanly bombarded with images of cigarettes, young adults smoking cigarettes and believeing that the image of cigarettes in so unconscioulsy "normal". Children are more and more desensitized with the image of cigarettes and are moving towards smoking themselves. If we do not take action, then we will most certainly see an increase in the number of smokers and an increase of dealths because of smoking!

Take action America! Stop this horrible cycle now!


  1. Okay so I think this smoking act the French are doing is GREAT! It is true that smoking is a bad habit and is one of the leading causes of death. Smoking in public places is annoying and cigarette smoke to those who don't normally smoke is disgusting and can make one feel light headed and sick. The world already has to many bad habits and the last thing we need is to die from cigarettes and second hand smoke especially our children.

  2. Yeah thats good, i totally hate smoking and i think it's good that they stop advertising. I mean when i drive pas the high school and middle school by my house it makes me sick how many kids are walking home smoking. I think that the advertising is just opening the doors to the youth. It's bad enough that kids see there parents, friend and family smoking so they feel that have too or whatever it is they feel but then they go outside and look at a billboard or turn on the tv and there it is. I think that smoking should be a illegal as other drugs. Cigerettes are next to cocaine and heroine in my book.
