Thursday, April 30, 2009 open diary

Blogging has become a MAJOR part of todays history. Blogging connects peoples ideas and opinions to every inch of the technological world. Blogging has esentially changed our lives. It's like publishing an open diary. Everyone from the Barenaked Ladies (BNL) to Brittney Spears blogs. You can find a link of blogger blogs of famous people here.

Blogging has turned people in stalkers, like the most recnet stalker of America's Next Top Models host Tyra Banks. Her stalker, Brady Green, was convicted by the Manhattan Criminal Court Judge James Burke, who heard the case without a jury, of stalking, harassment, criminal trespass and attempted aggravated harassment. People find stars, like Tyra Banks to be interesting, as Brady Green did. They tune into th eir blogs on a daily basis and learn everything about the super star. It is a little scray don't you think.

Blogging has become such a big pop cultre love that everyone seems to be doing it and seems to be leaving more and more personal information on the WWW. Which is proving a problem. You don't want crazy stalkers, right! Stop leaving your diary open, blog only about the issues and your personal opinions. Don't include your full name, where you live, your age or even a photo of yourself. There are crazy people in this world.

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