Thursday, April 9, 2009

Celebrity Adoptions

Celebrities have taken to adoption children. Sounds harmless and like a wonderful thing to do to help out our nation, right? However, the rich and famous are not adopting from the US, they are not helping their own home land, they are going overseas to adopt children. Why not adopt US children? They are just as helpless and in need of a loving family as children overseas.

With the public seeing celebrities adopting from other countries, the normal and everyday people are more likely to also adopt from outside of the US instead of inside of the US. This year has brought us Madonna’s adoption of one year old David Banda of Malawi, Meg Ryan’s adoption of Daisy from China, and many others some being the most famous going to the family of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. These children are said to be adopted because they are in extreme poverty. But, hey, so are the American orphans!! I am one to wonder if these people have ever gone to an American orphanage.

Celebrities have the money to hire lawyers to find and sought out the birth parents of American orphans. This way the adopters do not have the problem of finding out that their birth child was adopted by a rich person and exploiting them in order to get money, or take away the child after the adoption has been finalized. Since in American, the birth parent if not found can step in at ANY time and take back the child unless parental rights have been given up.

So what should celebrities do? In my opinion they should adopt from their home land and help the children who need help right here in their homeland. If celebrities were to begin to adopt here, in the US, then others would also follow their lead.