Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Duggers-18 kids, 1 grandkid

The oh so famous Dugger clan....18 kids. Can you imagine!?!?! Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are the proud parents of 18, yes 18 biological children. Jim Bob and Michelle firmly believe that every child is a gift to be cherished, and this family has 10 boys and 8 girls to cherish. Michelle has carried all 18 kids, been pregnant for 12 years of her life and had only 2 sets of twins. From oldest to youngest, Joshua, Jana, John-David, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joseph, Josiah, Joy-Anna, Jeremiah, Jedidiah, Jason, James, Justin, Jackson, Johannah, Jennifer and Jordyn-Grace.

So what is it with this family?? The Duggars are Independent Baptists, they do not watch much TV if any at all, they very closely monitor their children's internet and computer use and home school the kids. After Michelle experienced a miscarriage after her first pregnancy from taking the birth control pill, they decided to allow God to bless them with as many children as he desired.

Joshua, is their oldes son at age 21. Jordyn-Grace is the youngest at less than 1 year old. Some fun facts about this family:

-If the family had the Honda Piolot, 3 vehicles would be needed to transport everyone.
-Even with 14 passenger vans, two are needed to transport everyone!
-The Duggars use a bus to move the whole family, even to the grocery store!
-If they decided to take a bus trip, you know with other families, they would take up 40% of the bus!
-At an estimate of $200,000 to raise a child, which may be high and may be low, it will cost the Duggar parents $3.6 million to raise all 18 kids to the age of 18. They have already gotten three kids to that magical age of 18 so only 15 more to go.

Is this family going to keep having children, or are they done at number 18?

Survey say's....

Josh Duggar is going to welcome his first child into the world with wife Anna, 20. Jim Bob and Michelle are going to be grandparents with the youngest Aunt being Jordyn-Grace, at age 4 months currently!

What do you think about this family? Are they wrong for having so many children even though they can afford them all? How is this family influencing other families, like the lady who had 8 babies at once, and she already had 6 kids or something crazy like that! I think that this family can have as many children as they please, but the show should stress that they have ZERO debt, are happily married, and can afford all of their children! This way crazy people don't think, 'hey I can have 18 kids!'


  1. I believe that as long as you love and can take care of your children-Hey..have as many as your body will allow. There is nothing wrong with pro-creation in a loving nurturing enviornment. As far as I know they have no debt, they home school their children and their lives are based around their family. Not the other way around. I commend any family that welcomes the challenge of having 20 kids!!!!

  2. I completely agree. Have 100 kids if you want, but only if you can take care of them, unlike octomom. Having one child i'm sure is hard enough, i give them props for having 18! I think there is nothing wrong with having a big family, at least they'll never be lonley!

  3. i feel much like the commenter's above....if you have enough love, patience and money then make the choice to have children....but i wonder at what point the older children lose their childhood because of the demands of a large family...there is NO WAY that one mother can perform all the responsibilities that come with that many children....i think that the children have a burden on them that they did not choose....i always feel they seem a bit brainwashed by their parents....they do not come across as free thinkers and i feel they are being taught a very narrow minded view of the world...

  4. i think that it is a little ridiculous having that many kids...i mean i guess if the all get the same attention and if the family has ALOT of money to take care of these things....today the media makes a show about anybody or anything but i just don't care how many kids anybody has....so what...as long as i am not paying for it with my taxes

  5. I have no problems with this family. I think that it is wonderful that they are so strong in their faith. I think what makes them seem ridiculous is the fact that they are so conservative in their beliefs, and that they live differently than most people. I also think that it is wonderful and amazing that this husband and wife are strong enough to put their families size in the hands of God.

  6. I don't have any problems with this family. Im glad they are all happy together and are actually a huge family unlike the amounts of families that are split up or something from divorce. My boss has 13 kids. He has 4 biological and then 9 adopted. Almost every single one of his kids who were adopted have a disability. He knew this while adopting which makes him even stronger as a person and for a family.
