Thursday, March 12, 2009

HOT Summer Bod

With summer right around the corner, people all across the world are working towards being able to fit in that itsy bitsy yellow polka dot bikini. So many women and men are looking for the quick fix, the fad diet, the new exercise program, foods that burn belly fat, and ways to better their apperance in anticipation for summer. There has been an increase in the advertisments you hear for tanning salons. Hollywood Tans advertises their Tan Adviser, and how to get the perfect tan to show off the perfect body. Everyone is aiming for the perfect body, of course, and the tan sets it off according to Hollywood Tans.

According to Yahoo! Health, you can even "Get a Summer Bod in 4 Weeks". This article gives you 4, yes only 4, steps to getting a summer ready body in as little as 4 weeks! All you have to do is walk, and exercies. It says nothing about changing your eating habits! Wish we could lose weight like this lady obviously can!

By women and men reading this article and you can tell by the comments that have been left, they are seeing real hope in a quick fix. No way will a 4 week exercise regim work to lose weight and keep it off. If diet and exercise companies were actually conserned with the growing obesity problem in America, they would want people to be able to keep the weight off. It is not healthy to have a very flunctuant weight. Dieting and exercise programs lead to this fluctuant weight in most cases.

Women and men are out spending money to buy tanning salon memberships, hot bathing suits, and gym memberships. The public is so obsessed with how everyone looks, especially in a season about skimpy clothing and beaches. The American population is in economical turmoil, but non-the-less, we see the flocks heading for the expensive quick fixes that in the end do not work, and money is just thrown down the drain. Magazines, television, movies, music videos and just about every source of popular culture points to the perfect summer body, one that is almost unachievable. We need to refrain reteach values, tell young girls and men that you don’t have to be tanned with well defined abs to be pretty and sexy. Hopefully together we can change the way advertisers affect future generations.

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